Government Announces Deferred Rates Payments for Retail, Hospitality, Leisure and Childcare Businesses

Support for Businesses impacted by COVID-19

The Government made an announcement earlier today regarding the collection of commercial rates from businesses immediately impacted by Covid-19. It has been agreed to defer rates payments from the most immediately impacted businesses primarily in the retail, hospitality, leisure and childcare sectors for a period of three months until the end of May. The statement also requests businesses that can continue to pay their outstanding Local Authority rates to continue to do so in the normal way.

Kilkenny County Council has adopted this approach locally since the onset of Covid-19 and the Council is extremely grateful for the support it has received to date from those businesses that are continuing to trade through this very difficult time.

We would ask rate payers to continue to engage with the Council as we progress through the coming weeks. The Finance Team at Kilkenny County Council can be contacted on 056 7794209 or at The team will also be available to deal with any queries from 9am to 5pm tomorrow Saturday March 21st.

Press here to access Government Press Release.

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