Biodiversity Course Accepting Applications

Application deadline: Tuesday, 22nd April, 2025.

Biodiversity Course Outline and Application Form

Do you like nature and would like a better understanding about the natural world around you?  Would you like to become more knowledgeable and confident to enable you to become a citizen scientist? 

Kilkenny’s Biodiversity Working Group is creating an adult community training course supported by the Kilkenny/Carlow Education Training Board to encourage adults with an interest in nature to build their knowledge up from a low base.  It will run over 5-weeks (subject to funding), beginning during National Biodiversity Week (16th - 25th of May) and running over 5 consecutive weeks.  Each week will consist of a 2-hour mid-week evening lecture, with a corresponding field trip on Saturday morning, for a max 3 hours. (Note; there will be no field trip over the June Bank Holiday weekend).

Lecture Content

Field Trips

Understanding the Evolution of the Irish Landscape from a Geologist’s Perspective

Optimizing Smart Phones for Nature Photography

Examining the Diversity of Habitats in Ireland with particular focus on Kilkenny using the Fossit Classification.

Woodland Ecology Fieldtrip

An introduction to Biodiversity


Exploring Animal Adaptations in association with the National Reptile Zoo

Principals of Habitat Mapping and Basic Ecology Techniques

Grassland Ecology Fieldtrip

Exploring the Biodiversity Crisis and Examining Supporting Solutions

Habitat Assessment and Water Sampling Techniques of Streams in association with the Local Authority Waters Office programme


Terms and Conditions of the Course

  • Lectures will be held in the evenings mid-week and fieldwork will take place during the weekends with the exception of the June Bank Holiday. To ensure to keep a professional learning environment, children are not permitted to attend.
  • Participants must be over 18 and be able to supply a PPN number to meet the requirements of the KKCETB.
  • Course attendance is mandatory on a weekly basis. Under the course funding conditions, falling attendance over the course duration may result in the funding being pulled and therefore the cancellation of the course.  Participants must commit to attend all lectures and field work sessions.
  • Recommended reading materials and additional online content will be suggested for further study, while not mandatory, it will be encouraged.
  • As the class size will be small, should demand exceed supply, the most suitable candidates will be chosen from assessing completed application forms.
  • The course is free, it is hoped that participants will be generous and share their learnings with others.
  • Deadline for Applications is the 22nd of April 2025.


Application Form

Please return the following information via email to; and put the subject title as; Biodiversity Application 2025 before the 22nd of April.

  1. Name:
  2. Address:
  3. Email:
  4. Phone Number:
  5. Tell us your motivation to attend the course (Max 200 words)
  6. Do you have a particular interest area? (max 50 words)
  7. What learning outcomes would you like to achieve? (Max 200 words)
  8. Is there any evening (Mon-Thur) you would be unable to attend?
  9. Are you available to attend Saturday morning fieldwork sessions? If not, what part of the weekend suits you best?
  10. Do you own a smart mobile phone?
  11. Did you attend any local biodiversity events/talks (Dawn Chorus, Bat Walks, Library talks or Climate Action Training) over the last 2 years? If, so, please provide details.
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