Judges Silver Award for the Medieval Mile Museum at the Irish Construction Excellence Awards 2018
Founded in 1993 and reinvigorated for 2018, the Irish Construction Excellence Awards are the original and premier recognition of performance excellence for the contracting sector in Ireland. The Awards provide an opportunity for the industry to highlight best performance across the full range of construction disciplines and project categories.
The standard of entries in 2018 was extremely high and following a rigorous judging process winners were announced at the Gala Awards Event in the Mansion House, Dublin on Friday, 23rd March, 2018 and the Medieval Mile Museum, Kilkenny, was awarded a Judges Silver Award.
The Medieval Mile Museum project combined sensitive restoration and contemporary design to an exemplary standard and the completed building is now the centre-piece of Ireland's Medieval Mile, a concentration of medieval sites and buildings in the core of Kilkenny City.
In addition, the Project has also received an Honourable Mention in the 2018 DOMUS International Prize for Restoration and Preservation and is being featured on the front cover of the next issue of The Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland bi-monthly magazine "The Irish Architect".