Kilkenny County Council Continues to Improve Performance and Increase Efficiencies in 2018
A report was issued on the 14th October, 2019, by the National Oversight and Audit Commission (NOAC) which shows that local authorities continued to deliver improved performance and efficiency in 2017.
The Local Authority Performance Indicator Report 2018 reviews and compares the performance of local authorities for a wide range of services. The performance indicators are categorised by local government functions: housing, roads, water, waste/environment, planning, fire services, library/recreational, youth/community, corporate, finance and economic development. Full report can be downloaded at:
The report coincides with #YourCouncil, a new campaign aimed at informing the public about how their local authority impacts their daily lives and how they can engage with council services.
Summary of Performance Indicators for key service areas by Kilkenny County Council:
Revenue Collections
Kilkenny County Council continues to maintain and improve the collections of Rates, Rents and Housing Loans.
In 2018 the Council achieved a percentage collection as follows:
- Rates - 93% compared to 89% in 2014.
- Rents - 93% compared to 92% in 2014.
- Housing Loans - 88% compared to 77% in 2014.
Kilkenny County Council owned 2,374 social housing dwellings at end of 2018 with 1.14% vacant.
The average time for rehousing in vacant properties was 21.59 weeks.
98% of areas surveyed were litter free or slightly littered.
Private Water Supply
96.13% of drinking water in private schemes were in compliance with statutory requirements.
Green Flag Status
At the end of 2018, 45.65% of schools in the county held a Green Flag. The national average is 51.4%. Local authorities provide environmental education and support to schools which participate in this programme.
Fire service
It took an average of 6:16 minutes to mobilise fire brigades for calls to fires and 6:03 minutes in respect of non-fire emergencies.
Public Libraries
There was an average of 2.62 visits per head of population and 268,284 items issued to library borrowers in 2018.
Staff total
Whole-time equivalent staff employed by KCC at the end of 2018 was 549.46. The average medically certified paid sick leave rate was 3.74%. The national average was 3.78%. The average self-certified paid sick leave was 0.33%. The national average is 0.35%.
Technology & Social Media
The total page views of the KCC website in 2018 was 2,761,552. Total followers of KCC social media channels at end 2018 were 64,830. The percentage of motor tax transactions dealt with online was 70.82%.
All staff, management and elected members are to be commended for the work undertaken to continue to strive to deliver a better service for our communities and all our service users. We will strive in 2019 and in future years to deliver an improved service within the available resources and seek more efficient methods of delivery.
Overview of National Performance across all 31 local authorities.
3,965 new social homes added to stock in 2018 - an increase of 1,433 on 2017 figure.
19,808 new buildings notified to local authorities -an increase of 2,487 on the 2017 figure.
€283 million invested in strengthening and resealing 4,966kms of roads.
6,637 Panning enforcement cases investigated.
79,095 pollution complaints investigated.
Over 28,000 staff employed by all local authorities.
9,625 people mentored by LEO.
3,656 new jobs supported by Local Enterprise Offices.
77.21million page views on LA websites - an average of 16.21 page views per head of population.
15,043 organisations registered with Public Participation Networks - 12.86% increase on 2017 figure.