Kilkenny County Council Highlights Its Achievements for 2017.
Kilkenny County Council has prepared its Annual Report on its activities in 2017. According to Colette Byrne, Chief Executive, "I am satisfied that the Council substantially achieved its objectives as set out at the commencement of 2017 in its Service Delivery Plan and that it did so within the parameters set out in its 2017 Budget".
Amongst the highlights identified by its Chief Executive are the:
- Opening of St Mary's Medieval Mile Museum.
- Opening of Central Access Scheme and St Francis Bridge.
- Redevelopment of Invest Kilkenny website and promotional material.
- Launch of #taste Kilkenny website, videos and imagery.
- Second successful Yulefest Festival.
- Detail design progressed for the Mayfair and Brew house buildings and for the Linear Park. It is expected work will commence on these projects in 2018.
- Plans progressed for the redevelopment of Evans Home as a home for the Butler Gallery, work to commence in 2018.
- 80 additional units provided by Kilkenny County Council and Voluntary Bodies.
- 264 housing grants paid for adaptation to houses to the value of €1.86 m.
- Resettlement Working Group established for the Irish Refugee Protection Programme.
- Winter Garden in Woodstock partially restored with REDZ funding.
- Construction commenced on a new fire station in Graiguenamanagh.
- Significant progress made on works on the Callan Rd Realignment.
- Pilot project commenced on retrofitting public lights under energy efficiency funds.
- Funding of €1.1m provided to Communities under various initiatives such as Town and Village Renewal Scheme, RAPID, Healthy Ireland etc.
- Allocation of €115,160 for 3 projects under the CLAR Programme 2017 (CLAR -Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais).
- Grant funding of €129,000 received for self service technology in the Libraries.
- Grant funding of €5.4m awarded under LIHAF for 2 projects in the Western Environs, Kilkenny City and Ferrybank.
- Provided €105,000 to festivals in the City and County.
- Provided €300,000 to groups under the Community and Cultural Grant Scheme.
- Ferrybank Local Area Plan adopted.
- Tourism Strategy 2017 - 2022 adopted.
- Commenced work on Thomastown Age Friendly Town Plan.
- 98 events held during Heritage week.
- Competent response to Storm Ophelia.
- Increase in use of social media platforms and improved communications.
- Continuous emphasis on improving collection rate across all of our income sources and reducing the arrears.
- €1.9m collected in development levies.
- Small surplus achieved in the Revenue Budget in 2017.
She paid tribute "to the work being done at Municipal District level and at SPC level. "These committees are invaluable in assisting the Council in pursuing its objectives and getting through its business. The Commitment of the Councillors and external members is evident from the activities outlined in the report."
Ms. Byrne expressed her appreciation for the dedication and hard work of the Elected Members, her colleagues on the Management Team and the staff of the Council. "I am confident, given the abilities and spirit of cooperation that is consistently shown by the Elected Members and staff that we should be in a position to meet the challenges that lie ahead. We can look forward to a positive 2018."
Ms. Byrne thanked the Cathaoirleach, Cllr. David Fitzgerald and his predecessor Cllr Matt Doran, the Municipal District Cathaoirligh, Cllr. John Brennan and his predecessor Cllr. Pat Fitzpatrick, Cllr. Fidelis Doherty and her predecessor Cllr. Ger Frisby and Mayor Michael Doyle and his predecessor Mayor Pat O'Neill, who have distinguished themselves in their respective roles.
Cllr. David Fitzgerald, Cathaoirleach, complimented all Elected Members and those who serve on the various committees and sub committees of the Council who continuously dedicate themselves to the business of the Council and to representing their particular and general interests.
During the year the new Medieval Mile Museum in the renovated St Mary's Church was officially opened. This museum will be an additional attraction for tourists visiting Kilkenny.
Mr. Fitzgerald said that "This Council is intent on maximising Kilkenny's attractiveness as a centre of tourism excellence and is determined to take every opportunity to promote Kilkenny as a place to live, work or visit. Much progress was made on the Abbey Creative Quarter and work on the detailed design for the re-development of the Mayfair and Brew-house Buildings and also the Linear Park was progressed during 2017 and he "looks forward to seeing these projects come to fruition and to see the Abbey Creative Quarter becoming a hub of economic activity, a place of employment for many, an additional experience for our visitors and a place to call home."
Mr. Fitzgerald also thanked all the Council's staff for their work for the people of Kilkenny. He commended their commitment and dedication and looks forward to continued progress and working with all of the people of Kilkenny in making Kilkenny a better place to live in, work and visit.
Notable Achievements in 2017
Age Friendly
Commenced work on the Thomastown Age Friendly Town Plan.
38 Bursaries and mentoring opportunities awarded in 2017.
10,276 people engaged with and attended arts events organised by the Council.
Civil Defence
Assistance provided during severe weather incidents and river search and recovery.
Assistance provided to 20 organisations for community events.
Community Development
Launch of Local Economic Community Plan
4 community newsletters issued
€300,000 awarded to groups under the Community and Cultural Grant Scheme
Funding of €1.1m provided to communities under Town & Village Renewal Scheme, RAPID, Healthily Ireland, Play & Recreation.
Multi-agency Resettlement Working Group established for the Irish Refugee Protection programme.
Corporate/Human Resources
637 personnel employed by Council, whole time posts are 520.41
An increase of 8.9% activity on all Council's websites. All Face book followers increased by 44.7% and Twitter by 14%.
Economic Development
Redevelopment of Invest Kilkenny website and promotional material.
Detailed design progressed for Linear Park, Brewhouse and Mayfair buildings in the Abbey Quarter.
38 Applications approved for financial assistance from the Local Enterprise Office with a potential to create 149 new jobs over 3years.
594 entrepreneurs participated in 49 core enterprise and training programmes
112 people completed a Start your Own Business programme.
381 entrepreneurs availed of mentoring support.
539 students from 12 second levels schools participated in the Student Enterprise Programme.
28 more Trading on Line Vouchers approved.
Assisted Cartoon Saloon in their open day for recruitment of 140 jobs in Kilkenny.
Fire & Emergency Response
Numerous Community Fire Safety events held including Fire Station Open days, Communities Groups talks, and School visits.
60 Home Fire Safety visits.
The Primary Schools programme delivered to 1300 primary school children.
108 Fire safety Inspections carried out.
Review of Major Emergency Plan and severe Weather Plan
Kilkenny Culture & Creativity plan launched by Taoiseach as part of Creative Ireland programme.
Kilkenny Field Name Project - Film launched in December.
Moments with Monuments - Radio series broadcast on KCLR.
98 events held during Heritage week.
Kilkenny City awarded a gold medal in the National Tidy Towns competition. Inistioge & Tullahought retained their silver medal. Goresbridge received an Endeavour award.
Kilkenny City assessed as cleaner than European norms- 6th in the IBAL league table.
Community groups involved in National Spring Clean.
schools retained their green flag for the environmental education programme.
54,000 customers used the Dunmore Recycling & Waste Disposal Centre.
New Recycling & Waste Disposal Centre opened in Granny in November.
1,055 environmental complaints received in 2017.
RMCEI Plan - Kilkenny received an overall grade of excellence for efficient monitoring and implementation of environmental legislation.
Local Authorities Water and Communities Office (LAWCO) engaged in a public consultation for the River Basin Management Plan.
Ongoing provision of lifeguard service supervising in public bathing areas in the County for the months of June, July and August.
Dog shelter in Paulstown upgraded and new facilities provided.
Housing & Estate Management
Support for 67 Resident Associations-€100,000 grants paid.
Issue of 4 interactive e magazines for community groups.
Tenant's Handbook revised and circulated.
4 Large Scale Community Enhancement projects undertaken.
41 sales agreed under the Social Housing Investment Programme.
18 new builds provided, 21 voluntary houses provided.
548 properties now in the Rental Accommodation Scheme.
901 private rented inspections.
4 units at St Catherine's Group Housing Scheme under construction.
5,649 maintenance calls received.
29 Council houses adapted to meet the needs of disabled and to address overcrowding
74 Adaptation Grants paid to the value of €858,635.
162 Housing Aid for Elderly grants paid totalling €869,021.
28 Mobility Aid grants paid totalling €134,837.
Library Services
12,111 members in the Library.
Library visits are up by 4% to 296,901
Joined new national library system - access to stock anywhere in Ireland.
Grant of €129,000 received for self service technology.
1,017 Children's participated in Summer Reading Literacy challenge.
Provision of comprehensive programme of social, cultural , educational, literacy, wellbeing and digital events across all Branch Libraries.
Parks & Amenity
Maintenance and support for 26 playgrounds in the City and County
Part 8 Planning approved and funding in place (LIHAF)for Neighbourhood Park at Ferrybank, work to commence in 2018.
130 groups availed of Amenity Grants.
Exercise equipment installed in 3 City parks under Sports Capital programme.
Winter Garden at Woodstock Gardens partially restored under REDZ funding.
Planning & Development
Ferrybank/Belview Local Area Plan adopted.
827 Planning Applications received.
€1.9m collected in development levies.
18 Housing Estates taking in charge.
Vacant Site Register populated.
€160,620 paid in Build Heritage and Structures at Risk fund Grants
Roads & Transportation
Work ongoing on the New Ross By Pass.
Pavement Improvement Works undertaken on the N24 - Granny & New Aglish and Ballycomy to Castlecomer.
Opening of the Kilkenny Central Access Scheme and St Francis Bridge
Low Cost Safety works- Traffic Calming at St Luke's Hospital/Freshford Road.
Significant works completed on the Callan Rd Realignment
A second successful Yule Fest Christmas Festival was held.
Opening of The Medieval Mile Museum at the former St Mary's Church in April.
Tourism Strategy 2017 - 2022 adopted.
Launch of #taste Kilkenny website, videos and imagery.
Kilkenny named as one of the top 3 foodie destination by RAI.
€105,000 was provided in Festival and Event Grants.
Water Services
Management and maintenance of 24 public drinking water supplies and 35 wastewater treatment schemes on behalf of Irish Water.
9.7 billion Litres of water supplied.
100% compliance with microbiological compliance (2016 Results).
99.7% compliance with chemical parameters (2016 Results).
Commencement of improvement works on Inistioge Water Supply Scheme.
Completion of upgrade to waste water treatment plants in Castlecomer, Stoneyford, and Urlingford.
Replacement of backyard services in Freshford.
Water Mains rehabilitation at Ballygriffin, Owning, Belline, Doorane, Jerpoint Abbey.
Inlet works improvements completed at Callan & Piltown Waste Water Treatment Plants.
€341,690 funding for Group Water Schemes for improvement works.
€242,464 paid to groups for subsidy towards operational costs of group schemes.
99 well grants paid-value €160,083.
Download Kilkenny County Council Annual Report for 2017