Kilkenny County Council Lead the Way and Launch Its New Interactive Online Grants Booklet.
Kilkenny County Council has developed its 4th edition of the Community Grants booklet. This is a follow on from the very popular first three printed editions that came out in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The new grant booklet once again summaries the key elements of Kilkenny County Council and other National Community Grants, relevant contacts and the types of works eligible for funding.
Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. Andrew McGuinness, welcomed the 4th edition of this very popular grants booklet and the new innovative interactive version of the booklet by saying: “The Community Grants Booklet has become a valuable source of information over the last three years and given the times we live in under COVID-19, this new initiative means that communities can now access grant information without requiring the printed copy of the booklet. This allows the Council to reach more groups throughout the County who may not be aware of the various grants and community supports available and making it easier for groups to access the information all in one place. I commend all involved with this project.”
NEW Online Interactive 2021 Grants Booklet
Coinciding with the printed copy of the booklet, we will have an online launch of the new interactive version of the booklet on Tuesday the 23rd of February at 7pm. This interactive version will give the general public easier access on remote devices to all the information regarding, so they don’t have to rely on having a printed copy. This redesigned interactive version will allow viewers to navigate the booklet online by clicking on links that will take viewers to the grants details, contacts, application forms etc. The interactive grants booklet also incorporates a new information video that will show how to use this new format. This version can also be downloaded to your home computer or your mobile device.
Easy to Access:
Simply visit the Kilkenny County Council website click on the ‘’Grants’’ Green button on our homepage and this will take you to the 2021 interactive grants booklet.
Colette Byrne, Chief Executive of Kilkenny County Council, said that: “Kilkenny County Council continues to look at new ways to communicate to the public the numerous grants and programmes available both locally and nationally and this grants booklet compliments the online one stop shop for grants currently available on the Council’s website. I encourage all community groups to become familiar with the variety of supports that are available and invite you to join the online launch on Tuesday evening next which will include a demonstration on how to use the interactive booklet.”
The Grants Booklet will be available to download on the Council’s website at
Link to Online Launch is as follows:
Kilkenny County Council Online Grants Booklet Launch
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