New Fire Station for Graiguenamanagh
The new fire station for Graiguenamanagh was officially opened by Deputy John Paul Phelan, Minister of State at the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, in the presence of Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. David Fitzgerald and Mayor of the Municipal District of Kilkenny City, Cllr. Michael Doyle, and a large gathering of invited guests, on Monday, 21st May, 2018.
The old fire station in Graiguenamanagh had been in operation since 1960 and was unable to cope with the demands of a modern fire and rescue service. The new facility provides for a two-bay station with a training yard, lecture room, canteen and staff facilities. Specific training installations include a drill tower, an underground water tank and breathing apparatus compressor room.
Deputy John Paul Phelan said "My Department has been and continues to work with Kilkenny County Council, upgrading and developing the facilities and equipment of Kilkenny Fire and Rescue Service. Over the last number of years my Department has fully funded new fire stations in Castlecomer, Freshford and Callan. This level of support is continuing with the approval of €1.1m in funding for the construction of a new fire station at Urlingford."
The existence of a professional fire and rescue service is fundamental to public and personal safety. The Fire Service plays a crucial role in making our Communities safer, whether it be preventing and protecting people from fire and other risks or responding swiftly and effectively to the incidents and emergencies that occur 24 hours per day/7 days per week/365 days per year.
The majority of fire deaths continue to occur in domestic premises and Kilkenny County Council is encouraging people to ensure they fit and maintain a working smoke alarm in their home.
Cathaoirleach David Fitzgerald congratulated all associated with the provision of the new fire station in Graiguenamanagh, it is an invaluable piece of public infrastructure for the local communities of south Kilkenny and Carlow and extended his best wishes for the future to the Personnel who will work from it. He also singled out for praise the service garden and the importance of remembering and giving recognition to all the firefighters that have served their community.
The Graiguenamanagh project has been delivered on time and on budget by McStan Construction, Purcellsinch Business Park, Kilkenny and designed by Tobin Consulting Engineers from Galway.
Deputy John Paul Phelan said "The station is a credit to all involved in its development and completion."
Kilkenny County Council continues to invest in its Fire Service. A contract has been awarded for the supply of 2 no. sets of structural firefighting clothing to all Fire Personnel at a cost of just under €180,000.
Mr. John Collins, Chief Fire Officer, said "our recent experiences of severe weather events illustrated very clearly the value and reassurance that a highly skilled and competent fire brigade brings to the Community, while working with the principal blue light services of which many of them are here today ".
In addition to high levels of training and competence amongst our firefighters, he pointed out how important it is that the stations, fleet and equipment in place for those firefighters is up to the very highest standard and fit for the purpose of running a modern fire and rescue service.
In officially opening this high standard and modern fire station in Graiguenamanagh, the fire service being delivered to the people of south Kilkenny and Carlow has been strengthened into the future.
Mary J Mulholland,
Director of Services,
Kilkenny County Council.
Please direct all queries to:
Mr. John Collins,
Chief Fire Officer,
Kilkenny County Council.
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