Door to Door deliveries for "Cocooners" as Kilkenny County Council Library Service adapts a new model
Kilkenny County Council
Tom Kirwin (Mobile Library)
Press Release
Door to Door deliveries for "Cocooners" as Kilkenny County Council Library Service adapts a new model
Kilkenny County Council Library Service has commenced a new model of service delivery to library members that are over 70 years old and are "cocooning". Each Member will be contacted by a member of the Council's Library Staff to ask if they are interested in a delivery of books / audio material to their doorstep.
The service is being rolled out to all library members over 70 years of age, on a branch by branch basis. Mobile library driver, Tom Kirwan, will collect the book parcels from the library before delivering them directly to members in their homes across the County.
"This provides the library service with an opportunity to provide a level of service to those who would have enjoyed regular visits to their local library "
comments County Librarian, Josephine Coyne.
"We are very conscious of our library members who cannot get access to their local branch library particularly those who are isolating and may prefer the printed book rather than accessing books online"
Kilkenny County Council library staff will assist in choosing the books and develop the parcels. Having built relationships over many years with their members, library staff are placed in a unique position to gain a genuine understanding of their member's reading tastes.
Stringent health and safety measures will be adhered to throughout the process of choosing, packaging and delivering the books and all HSE guidelines will be incorporated into the model.
Cathlaoireach of Kilkenny County Council, Cllr. Peter 'Chap' Cleere, welcomed the initiative saying
"it is yet another example of Kilkenny County Council adapting its services to meet community needs in very challenging circumstances. We are all having to adapt to comply with HSE guidelines and our older citizens, who are asked to cocoon can find it difficult. Having access to books may provide a little break from the day to day challenges we are facing". Cllr. Cleere continued, "I want to say a big thank you to the Library staff for coming up with this idea and to acknowledge all the Council staff who are continuing to provide services in accordance with HSE and Government guidelines".
Members who have made an application to join the library online and did not supply a date of birth when they originally signed up can contact Library Headquarters (056) 7794160 or email to have these details updated on the library system.
All queries in relation to this Press Release can be directed to Dorothy O'Reilly, at 056 7794977 or
Photo 1: Patricia Lynch (Callan Library)
Photo 2: Jean Croughan (Library Headquarters)
Photo 3: Tom Kirwin (Mobile Library )