Temporary Traffic Management Piltown MD - 4th to 7th June

Surface dressing works will take place within the Piltown Municipal District from Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th June

Surface dressing works will take place at the following locations within the Piltown Municipal District, between 7am and 7pm from Tuesday, 4th to Friday, 7th June:

Tuesday, 4th June

  • LP3429 Rathinure, Glenmore
  • LS7519 Rathinure, Glenmore 

Wednesday, 5th June

  • LS7405 Barrabehy, Mooncoin
  • LS7406 Tubbrid, Mooncoin
  • LP1040 Cashel, Piltown 

Thursday, 6th June

  • LS5110 Baungarriff, Piltown
  • LS5115 Harristown, Piltown 

Friday, 7th June

  • LS7463 Newtown-Ballincurragh, Kilmacow
  • LP3413 Kilmurry, Slieverue
  • LS7477 Kilmurry, Slieverue 

 Please be advised that temporary traffic management will be in operation during the course of these works and delays can be expected.

 These works are weather dependent and subject to change at short notice.

 Kilkenny County Council appreciates your cooperation and apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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