Having Your Say: Report on the Consultation Active Listening Workshops - July & August 2010
This consultation is an example of a true collaboration and sharing of skills and experiences as the statutory, community and voluntary organisations worked hand in hand to ensure our workshops were meaningful for the people who attended
Download Age Friendly Consultation Report August 2010 2nd Draft 6.pdf (size 1.6 MB)
"This initiative and the people coming out to us here in St Joseph's has given the people of Kilkenny a real sense of hope"
(Group Participant, Kilmagany July 21, 2010)
This consultation report has been written to document the words and wisdom of the people of Kilkenny that were consulted and who took the time to have their say about the future of Kilkenny and how it meets the needs of people of all ages.
Initially the consultation started out as an exercise to gain the views, opinions and attitudes of the people who arrived at each workshop. What we ended up with was an adventure across the county where friendships were made, plans were hatched and the shared experiences became the rich stories that kept all of us engrossed and engaged over many a morning, afternoon and evening in July and August. This consultation is also an example of a true collaboration and sharing of skills and experiences as the statutory, community and voluntary organisations worked hand in hand to ensure our workshops were meaningful for the people who attended. The list of facilitators and recorders involved in this process is nearly as impressive as the list of participants with 80 people being involved.
A huge THANK YOU is due to those that gave their time including An Garda Siochana, the Health Promotion Department Staff in the HSE, HSE staff, Kilkenny Leader
Partnership staff, Kilkenny Community and Voluntary Forum members, Kilkenny County Council staff, Kilkenny Sports Partnership staff, FRC and CDP staff as well as Kilkenny Contact and individual community volunteers.