Public Participation Networks
Public Participation Network (PPN)
A new framework for public engagement and participation, called the Public Participation Network (PPN) is currently being developed within each local authority area. The PPN will be the main link through which the local authority connects with the community, social inclusion and environmental sectors without prejudice to other consultation processes.
The aim of the structures and processes is to facilitate and enable the public and the organisations to articulate a diverse range of views and interests within the local government system.
Members of the local community interact with local government at different levels. The PPN facilitates input by the public into local government through a structure that ensures public participation and representation on decision-making committees and bodies within local government.
All individuals may access local government through the existing arrangements in regard to their issues. For the purpose of this structured public participation within local government, individuals may join an existing group or organisation or they can establish an interest group or organisation and register it with the PPN.
The Network:
- Facilitates the participation and representation of communities in a fair, equitable and transparent manner through the environmental, social inclusion & voluntary sectors on decision making bodies
- Strengthens the capacity of communities and of the environmental, social inclusion, community & voluntary groups to contribute positively to the community in which they reside/participate
- Provides information relevant to the environmental, social inclusion & voluntary sector and acts as a hub around which information is distributed and received.
Public Participation Network (PPN) Structures
The Public Participation Network (PPN) will be organised:
- At County/City level
- At Municipal District level
Each PPN will have: - A County/City Plenary at County/City level which deals with County/City level issues
- A Municipal District Plenary in each Municipal District which deals with issues at a municipal level
- Linkage Groups which deal with specific issues
- A secretariat at County/City level that is a facilitation and communication mechanism.
Video of PPN Meetings held
Please find the links for the following:
PPN Information and Registration Pack 2016
PPN Registration 2016 - form only
PPN Update February, 2016
Community Pillar criteria, Environmental Pillar criteria, Social Inclusion Pillar criteria,
DECLG guidelines for PPN's
Influencing Policy - Presentation by Brian Harvey
For further information please contact
Kilkenny County Council
Community and Culture Section, Johns Green House, Johns Green, Kilkenny
Tel: 056 7794931