Small Business Vacant Premises Incentive Scheme 2025

Small Business Vacant Premises Incentive Scheme (2025):

Aims of the scheme:


Kilkenny County Council has made changes to the ‘Small Business Vacant Premises Incentive Scheme’ effective January 2025 to encourage new and/or expanding small businesses to bring commercial premises vacant for more than 6 months back into use.

  1. Encourage occupancy of vacant commercial premises
  2. Aid regeneration of streetscapes
  3. Support job creation
  4. Ease financial challenges for businesses in Kilkenny
The rebate is based on a correlation to the business's commercial rates paid on a reducing basis over 3 years

Eligibility: Premises with rates less than €5,000 and meeting the criteria

 RebateMaximum Rebate
Year 175% rebate€3,750
Year 250% rebate€2,500
Year 325% rebate€1,250
Total over 3 years: €7,500

Payment: Twice a year (June, November), contingent on commercial rates fully paid to date.

Eligibility Criteria Overview:

  • Applicant must occupy commercial premises that have been vacant for at least 6 months prior to letting
  • Applicant must not have traded in a similar business or premises used for the same purpose within a three-kilometre radius prior to occupying the premises
  • Applicant must be the rateable occupier
  • All local authority charges must be paid in full each year to qualify
  • Tax compliance and evidence of lease/ownership must be established
  • Application to be submitted within 12 months of opening

Exclusions apply - full terms and conditions available from Kilkenny County Council

For more information and initial assessment please contact:

Catherine O’Connor/Brian Butler

Tel: 056-7794348


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