Invasive (non-native) species pose a threat to local biodiversity as they out-compete native species for space and food. The spread of invasive species is regarded as one of the most significant threats to biodiversity throughout the world. They also significantly impact many of the ecosystem services which will be required in climate change adaptation and mitigation, such as flood management along waterways, e.g. Himalayan balsam exposes bare riverbanks during winter.
In Kilkenny, there are over twelve recorded Invasive Species, both terrestrial and aquatic. Aquatic invasive species, both plants and animals, are often spread when recreational crafts are moved around inland waterways without proper washing and care. This is easily avoided by checking the crafts to ensure that they are not transporting invasive species. Care is also required when designing/creating Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), that invasive and non-native species are not spread via hydrological connectivity.
Further information on invasive species, and what you can do to help, can be found on