

We have listed all of our services on this website. If you need more help, please contact us.

Opening Times

Housing Office opening times are from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. (excluding Bank Holidays)

Afternoons is only by appointment.

Housing Contacts

EmailTelephoneFor following queries

Social Housing Applications


socialhousingapplications@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794000
  • To apply for the Housing list
  • Request a social housing application form
  • General queries regarding your social housing application
Housing Maintenance/Rents  
housingrepairs@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794914
  • Log a repair.
  • Permission to make a change to a council property.
  • Rent calculations queries & Request a rent review form
  • Tenant Adaptions Grant
Housing Allocations  
housingallocations@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794915
  • General queries in relation to a house allocation
  • Housing Transfer requests
  • Surrender of tenancies
Tenancy Management  
tenancymanagement@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794917
  • Complaints of Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Right to Reside Applications
  • Estate Management Grants & Application forms.
Traveller Accommodation  
travelleraccommodation@kilkennycoco.ie 056 7794000
  • Traveller accommodation and support
Housing Loans  
housingloans@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794935
  • Tenant Purchase Scheme.
  • Local Authority Home Loan 
Private Housing Grants  
privatehousinggrants@kilkennycoco.ie056 7794930
  • Housing Adaptation Grant for person with a disability
  • Housing Aid for Older People
  • Mobility aids grants.
  • Request for appointments for homeless clinic between 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 noon
  • General Queries 
  • Property rent Reviews
  • Further Info is available on www.RTB.ie including forms. 
Private Rented Inspections  
  • General queries
  • New HAP application forms
  • Review of existing HAP tenancy
  • General Queries
Housing Capital  
  • New Social Housing Developments
  • Affordable Housing
  • General queries
Vacant Homes  
  • Vacant homes Grant & application forms
  • General queries 
Notice to Quit  
  • Queries relating to notice to terminate private rented tenancy.
All Other Enquiries  
  • All other queries
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