Summary of Social Housing Assessment 2024 (SSHA)
Summary of Social Housing Assessment
Kilkenny County Council is currently preparing a Social Housing Assessment Summary in accordance with Section 21 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 and as prescribed in the Social Housing Assessment (Summary) Regulations, 2016.
All Local Authorities are required by the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government to complete this assessment for all persons who have applied for social housing support.
The purpose of the Assessment is to capture the total number of households qualified for social housing support across the county whose social housing need is not being met, in order to understand the level of need for such support.
This Council is contacting certain applicants who have applied for social housing support prior to 11th August 2023 and to confirm that they still require social housing support. Each applicant must confirm their requirement to the Council by completing the assessment form which has been issued.
Applicants who have been assessed after 11th August 2023 will not be written to as your file has recently been assessed so there is no need to contact the Council unless there is a change in circumstances. Transfer applicants, HAP and RAS tenants are not included in this assessment.
Please return your form by post no later than Monday 2nd September 2024 to ensure that your application is included in this assessment. A stamped addressed envelope has been provided.
All forms returned to the Council will be assessed to ensure that each applicant has a continuing need for social housing support. It is most important that forms are completed in full with all relevant information. Applicants are required to provide up to date income details for the preceding 52-week period for all household members over 18 years. All weeks must be accounted for.
If an applicant no longer requires social housing support or is no longer eligible their file will be closed. It will be assumed that applicants who do not return their Social Housing Assessment Forms are no longer interested / in need of social housing support and their file will be closed.
For assistance please contact the Housing Section on 056-7794900.
Kilkenny County Council would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.