
What is racism?

Racism is any action, practice, policy, law, speech, or incident which has the effect (whether intentional or not) of undermining anyone’s enjoyment of their human rights, based on their actual or perceived ethnic or national origin or background, where that background is that of a marginalised or historically subordinated group.

Report Racism

If you wish to report an incident of racism you have experienced please log on to www.ireport.ie 

The information gathered will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with anyone without your permission, unless we are compelled by law to do so.

Ireport will only contact you if you give them your permission to do so.

If the racist incident you experienced is a criminal offence, you are also encouraged to report it to the Gardai. A hate crime is, typically, a violent crime motivated by prejudice, when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their perceived membership of a certain social group. If there is an immediate risk to life/property or a crime is in progress. Or if you feel threatened in any way or are in danger, call 999/112

Why is reporting important?

The findings from the iReport.ie system are used to compile annual reports that have been used to successfully advocate for more effective policies and procedures for tackling racism in institutions and wider society, including through the National Action Plan Against Racism. This information will also help [name of local authority] to review and improve our policies to offer you better service.

Can I report a racist incident on behalf of someone else?

Yes. You can report an incident you have been made aware of, or on behalf of someone else. You can also anonymise the people in the report if they do not want their names in the report.

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