Role of Strategic Policy Committees
The Role of the SPC's.
Role of Strategic Policy Committees
Kilkenny County Council has developed a Strategic Policy Committee Scheme to parallel the lifespan of the newly elected Council, 2014 to 2019. The role of the SPC’s is to assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy; reflect the major functions or services of a local authority within the broader context, be tailored to the size, membership and administrative resources of a local authority and have one third of their membership drawn from sectors relevant to the committees’ work. The SPC’s bring together both elected members, and people actively working with social, economic, cultural and environmental bodies to develop and review policies related to council services. The SPCs provide elected members with external views as they discharge their strategic role in the development of the local authority, including their policy development and oversight roles within the local authority.
The full membership details of the 5 SPC’s are available here
Agendas & Minutes of SPC Meetings are available here
Adopted SPC Scheme is available here