Kilkenny Age Friendly Strategy Community Consultations
Kilkenny is developing a new Age Friendly Strategy with community consultations taking place throughout Kilkenny.
Kilkenny is developing a new Age Friendly Strategy with community consultations taking place throughout Kilkenny.
The Healthy Age Friendly Homes Programme aims to support older people to live in their own home with dignity and independence, for as long ...
Booklet launched by Minister for Older People Mary Butler on the 29th June 2023
Report from the seven older peoples Gatherings Held in 2022
Tablet & computer classes were held in all 8 libraries
The Kilkenny Age Friendly Alliance is a multiagency voluntary partnership that works closely with older people in Kilkenny to ensure that p...
Our new Strategic Plan (2017-2021) sets out relevant and achievable targets which will be overseen by the Kilkenny Age Friendly Alliance an...
This document outlines a new and ambitious plan to improve the lives and well being of all older adults in Kilkenny.
This consultation is an example of a true collaboration and sharing of skills and experiences as the statutory, community and voluntary org...
This document outlines a new and ambitious plan to improve the lives and well being of all older adults in Kilkenny.