Air Pollution Licence
Kilkenny County Council Environment Section is the statutory licensing authority under the Air Pollution Act, 1987, (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988 - 2001 for the City and County of Kilkenny. The first schedule of these regulations sets out the class of industrial plant which is subject to an Air Pollution Licence. The regulations generally set out the procedures in relation to licensing, appeals, reviews, etc. Kilkenny County Council Environment Section is responsible for the assessment of applications and the enforcement of conditions which may be attached to any licences granted.
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Air-Pollution-Licence-Application-Guidance-Notes.docx (size 17.6 KB)
Air Emission Licences
There are currently 3 AELs issued by Kilkenny County Council under the Air Pollution Act 1987, and these are listed below:
- Kilkenny Tarmac Ltd, Dunbell Big, Bennettsbridge, Co. Kilkenny. Ref – ENV/APL/5
- Bennettsbridge Quarries Lts, Kilree, Bennettsbridge, CO. Kilkenny. Ref – ENV/APL/11
- Roadstone Wood Ltd, Granny, Aglish, Co.Kilkenny. Ref ENV/APL/13
These licenses are available for inspection at the offices of the Environment Section, Kilkenny County Council, 74-75 John Street Upper, Gardens, Kilkenny.
It should be noted that the many of the larger industries discharging to air are licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
For information on the industries licensed by them visit their website at
Relevant Legislation:
Air Pollution Act, 1987
Air Pollution Act, 1987, (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988
Air Pollution Act, 1987, (Licensing of Industrial Plant)(Fees Amendment) Regulations, 2001