Kilkenny County Council Noise Action Plan 2024-2028

The Environmental Noise Directive (‘END’) (2002/49/EC) aims to put in place a European wide system for identifying sources of environmental noise, informing the public about relevant noise data and taking the necessary steps to avoid, prevent or reduce noise exposure. The END was transposed into Irish Law by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (S.I. 140/2006) (the ‘Regulations’). The Regulations were revised by the European Communities (Environmental Noise) Regulations 2018 (S.I. 549/2018) and amended through the European Communities (Environmental Noise) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (S.I. 663/2021).

Under the Regulations, Kilkenny County Council are designated as an Action Planning Authority (APA), responsible for preparing a Noise Action Plan. This is the fourth round of noise action planning, and this Noise Action Plan (NAP) reports the findings of the strategic noise mapping prepared in consultation with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) for the sections of major roads which experience a volume of traffic greater than 3 million vehicle passages per year in Kilkenny.

The plans do not, however, cover noise that is caused by the exposed person himself/herself, noise from domestic activities, neighbourhood noise, noise at workplaces or noise inside means of transport or due to military activities in military areas.

This Noise Action Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Regulations and is aimed at strategic long-term management of environmental noise from transport systems and is based on the results of the strategic noise maps which informed assessments of population exposure and harmful effects of noise.

See links below for Kilkenny County Council Noise Action Plan 2024-2028 and SEA/AA Screening:

Kilkenny-County-Council,-Noise-Action-Plan.pdf (size 6.9 MB)

Kilkenny-County-Council-NAP-SEA-Screening.pdf (size 682.8 KB)

Kilkenny-County-Council-NAP-AA-Screening.pdf (size 1.3 MB)

SEA-Determination-Signed.pdf (size 120.4 KB)

AA-Determination-Signed.pdf (size 84.3 KB)

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