Building Regulations
Building Regulations
The following documents relate to statutory instruments, Acts, Building control documents and building regulations. They are all PDF files and you can download a free reader from the Adobe Acrobat site. Some large files may take some time to download, depending on your PC.
You will need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader to open this file, if you do not have it get it here
Guide to building control system.pdf (size 156.6 KB)
Building Regulations, SI 497 of 1997.pdf (size 5.5 MB)
Building Control Act, SI 3 of 1990.pdf (size 146.4 KB)
Building Control Regulations, SI 496 of 1997.pdf (size 7.9 MB)
SI 21 of 2007 Building Control Act 2007.pdf (size 1.4 MB)
Technical Guidance Document Part B (2005 reprint).pdf (size 1.9 MB)
Technical Guidance Document Part B 2006.pdf (size 1.4 MB)
Technical Guidance Document K (1997) Stairways, Ladders, Ramps and Guards.pdf (size 68.7 KB)
Technical Guidance Document M (2000) Access for People with Disabilities.pdf (size 360.2 KB)
The Building Standards Page of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage on