Local Authority Integration Team

Our Role

Integration means helping people who have moved to a new country feel like they belong while also preserving their own identity and culture. This will include access to learning the language, entering employment, education and training. The Local Authority Integration Team aims to support people new to Kilkenny to integrate into Ireland. We guide people to access services they require to integrate into the community.

Who We Work With

The Local Authority Integration Team (LAIT) works with:

  • Applicants for International Protection
  • Those with Refugee, Subsidiary Protection or Permission to remain status
  • Programme Refugees
  • Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection

What We Do

We aim to guide people in any of the above groups to the services they will need in order to integrate into the community. We will act as a direct point of contact to provide information, guidance and advice to queries, as they arise. The Integration team will provide signposting to the services one needs to access employment and develop English language proficiency, access childcare and healthcare services and to connect to sporting and other local/community activities (scroll right down for more useful information).

It is important to note that the LAIT team has no role in the provision of accommodation. 

Who We Are

The team consists of an Integration Support Coordinator, two Integration Support Workers and an Administrator.

How to get in touch:

Phone:  +353 56 7794419

Email: integration@kilkennycoco.ie 

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