Draft Freshford Mobility Management Plan

Comhairle Chontae Chill Chainnigh

Kilkenny County Council

Municipal District of Castlecomer


Kilkenny County Council wish to advise that the Draft Freshford Mobility Management plan is open for public consultation with observations / submissions welcomed via email to castlecomerareaoffice@kilkennycoco.ie or in writing to Kilkenny Council Council, Castlecomer Area Office, Kilkenny Street, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny R95 KW93 with the envelope clearly marked "Draft Freshford Mobility Management Plan"

Closing date for submissions / observations is 5.00 pm on Friday, 9th December 2022.

The plan can be viewed on the Kilkenny Council website at www.kilkennycoco.ie, on https://consult.kilkenny.ie or at Castlecomer Library, Kilkenny Street, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny R95 KW93 or (by appointment only) at Castlecomer Area Office, Kilkenny Street, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny R95 KW93.

To make an appointment please contact - 056 7794450 or email castlecomerareaoffice@kilkennycoco.ie

Draft Freshford Mobility Management Plan.pdf (size 3.1 MB)

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