Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in City and County Councils whose membership includes elected Councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members.
Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in City and County Councils whose membership includes elected Councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members.
It is the task of the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) as committees of the Council, to advise and assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy. The remit of the SPCs is to deal only with policy matters and as such they are strategic in nature. They have no remit in relation to routine operational matters regarding the delivery of services. The SPC system is intended to give Councillors and relevant Sectoral Interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.
Kilkenny County Council has adopted a scheme for the implementation of its Strategic Policy Committee system for the period 2019-2024.
The scheme provides for the proposed number, policy configuration, functions of the SPCs, the number on each committee and an outline framework [table below] for sectoral representation on the five (5) Strategic Policy Committee's namely:
SPC 1: Economic Development, Enterprise Support & Tourism, Planning & Development
SPC 2: Transportational Policy/Mobility Management & Water Services
SPC 3: Housing
SPC 4: Environment Protection, Climate Action & Energy
SPC 5: Community, Cultural & Fire Services
The adopted Scheme includes proposals for the selection of sectoral representatives by the sectors themselves via the Public Participation Network (PPN) and specifies provisional assignment of sector(s) to each SPC and the number of representatives from each sector for each SPC.
Strategic Policy Committee Policy 2019-2024
Strategic Policy Committee Guidelines 2019-2024
SPC 1: Economic, Development, Enterprise Support &Tourism, Planning & Development Policy
SPC 2: Transportational Policy/Mobility Management & Water Services
SPC 4: Environment Protection, Climate Action & Energy
SPC 5: Community, Cultural & Fire Services