M8-N8 Project History
M8-N8 Project History
M8/N8 Cullahill to Cashel Proposed Road Development - Oral Hearing
Kilkenny County Council, as lead authority for the above, has been advised by An Bord Pleanala that the Oral Hearing, to be held into objections received by them, will commence on:
Monday 6th September 2004 at 11. 00am,
Venue: Springhill Court Hotel, Waterford Road, Kilkenny.
An Bord Pleanála will consider the findings of the Oral Hearing and recommendations of the Inspector. They may approve the scheme with or without modification or they may refuse to approve it.
Subject to approval of the scheme, the detailed design and preparation of contract documents will commence.
Detailed design work has been carried out to determine the extent of lands required for purchasing. Statutory Orders for Land Acquisition have been made - Motorway Order, Compulsory Purchase Order and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) have been published in april 2004.
M8/N8 Cullahill to Cashel Road Scheme
AND PART-FINANCED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION under TEN-T The Trans-European Transport Networks
Update (July 2002)
A detailed aerial topographical survey has been undertaken and is now complete. With the cooperation of over 170 landowners, the site work for Phase one of the main ground investigation comprising boreholes, trial pits and geophysical survey has recently been completed (July 2002).
Specialists have completed non-intrusive walkover surveys for the Environmental Impact statement which is currently being compiled. Preliminary design of the proposed road together with preparation of the compulsory purchase order is ongoing.
M8-N8 Cullahill to Cashel Road Scheme - Overview
Under the National Development Plan the N8 is to be developed to motorway or high quality dual carriageway standard by 2006.
The existing N8 National Primary Road from Cullahill to Cashel has been improved over the years and is generally a wide single carriageway with hard shoulders. The road currently passes through the communities of Cullahill, Johnstown, Urlingford, Littleton, Horse and Jockey and Cashel causing congestion at certain parts of the day.
There are 43 junctions along the road; 37 of which are "T" junctions whilst the remaining 6 are crossroads. Roadside development along the route has also increased substantially in recent years. As traffic growth continues these will eventually contribute to congestion and present hazards along the route.
The proposed Scheme between Cullahill and Cashel will By-pass Johnstown, Urlingford, Littleton and Horse and Jockey and tie-in with the Cashel By-pass. The length of the new route will be approximately 45km. It will be of a dual carriageway or motorway standard with grade separated junctions. It is probable that the new dual carriageway/motorway will be constructed on a new line, thus leaving the existing road for local traffic.
The development of the N8 between Cullahill and Cashel is being promoted by Kilkenny County Council in conjunction with Laois, Tipperary North Riding and Tipperary South Riding County Councils assisted by Tramore House Regional Design office and Malone ORegan Scott Wilson Consulting Engineers.
Need for the scheme.
The need for the scheme has been identified in a number of Government policy documents including the National Roads Needs Study and the National Development Plan 2000-2006. The reasons for implementing the scheme include:
A reduction in travel time to Dublin and Cork will improve accessibility within Ireland and the European Community.
Dual carriageway construction produces a safer route that will reduce the likelihood of future accidents.
Re-alignment of the N8 will reduce the traffic passing through the local communities of Johnstown, Urlingford, Littleton and Horse and Jockey improving the amenity for those living on the existing road.
Improved access will encourage industrial, tourist and commercial activity in the area.
The project will, along with other investments and programmes, aid the competitiveness and efficiency of the Economy
Available Reports - N8/M8 Cullahill to Cashel Road Improvement Scheme.
Route Selection Report - 2001
An outline of the Route Selection Report (3 Volumes) for the above Scheme was presented to the members of Kilkenny County Council at its November meeting held on Monday, 19th November, 2001 by the Consulting Engineers, Malone O'Regan/Scott/Wilson.
Copies of the Route Selection Report are available for Public Inspection during normal office hours at the following locations:
Thurles U.D.C. Offices
Thurles Public Library.
Cashel U.D.C. Offices.
Urlingford County Library.
Kilkenny County Council, 1 Dean Street, Kilkenny
Publication of Route Selection Report November 2001 (see executive summary)
The Route Selection Report is available for purchase at a cost of
€254. 00
Enquiries to Joe Gannon, N8 Project Co-ordinator,Roads Office,Kilkenny County Council, 1 Dean Street, Kilkenny
Freephone ; 1800 488 884
Fax ; 056 91313
E-mail ; nro@kilkennycoco.ie
Constraints Study Report -2000
Publication of Constraints Study Report February 2000
Over 850 people attended the public consultation meetings held in October 2000 at the three venues in Urlingford, Littleton and Cashel when the study area was first announced. Over 170 made written submissions following these consultations.
The Constraints Study Report, on this study area, was published in February 2000 and is currently available for inspection by the public at a number of locations, including the head offices of each of the four local authorities involved,and Thurles and Urlingford Public Libraries.
The purpose of the Constraints Study was to collate information on the study area and highlight constraints and opportunities which may impact on the decision process when selecting a route. This data collection was focused on identifying and recording all known socio-economic, physical, environmental, archaeological etc., characteristics within the study area. The route selection phase, which follows the constraints study will consider and identify potential routes for the road improvement scheme.
The Constraints Study Report is available for purchase at a cost of
€235. 00 from the N8 Project Co-ordinator,Roads Office,Kilkenny County Council, 1 Dean Street, Kilkenny
Map of Scheme -Preferred Route July 2001
It is intended that the map below is a guideline only. You should refer to the detailed maps available in the route selection report for exact details (see available reports above).
Studies have been carried out to determine that the Preferred Route is a practical scheme. However, more detailed design may result in changes to some parts of the alignment and consequential variations to the information presented on this site.
Click on the map above to see larger version (453 KB)
See also Project Milestones-illustration