Annual Declarations Local Authority Members

In January 2003 a new ethics framework came into operation governing the ethics and codes of conduct of Local Authority Members.

As a general rule, this framework provides that it is the duty of every Local Authority Member and employee to maintain proper standards of integrity, conduct and concern for the public interest. In addition, it established for each member a system of annual declaration of interests, disclosure of interest in a matter, which comes before the authority, and a public register of interests.

The interests which have to be declared annually are set out in Section 175 of The Irish Statute Book of the Local Government Act 2001 and associated regulations.

As a general guide, they include holdings of land or other property, shareholdings, directorships, contracts with a local authority. Each member must complete and return each year a form setting out his or her interests.

Notice is hereby given that statements furnished by Elected members of Kilkenny County Council are now available for inspection at the offices of Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street during normal office hours or can be viewed on the attached links.

2017Annual Declaration Local Authority Members 2017 
2018Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2018 
2019Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2019 
2020Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2020 
2021Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2021
2022Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2022
2023Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2023
2024Annual Declarations Local Authority Members 2024


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