Waste and Recycling
mywaste.ie is Ireland’s official guide to managing your waste. Here you will find everything you need to know about how to manage your waste responsibly and efficiently. Browse this site for local waste services, bottle bank locations, recycling facilities/civic amenity sites and information on preventing, reusing and disposing of waste.
stopfoodwaste.ie is a programme funded under the EPA National Waste Prevention Programme. It works with householders, communities, schools, local authorities, the Irish Peatland Conservation Council and businesses, providing comprehensive information about the food we waste and how it can be prevented. As there will always be some unavoidable food waste, the programme also provides information on home composting. Browse their website for food waste prevention tips and information on home composting methods.
WEEE Ireland has responsibility for the collection of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and waste batteries throughout Kilkenny. WEEE is end-of-life electrical and electronic equipment – in simpler terms, it is anything operated by a plug or a battery!
The Dunmore Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre accepts WEEE and batteries free of charge as does the Grannagh Recycling Centre located in south Kilkenny. Other privately operated recycling centres such as Doheny's on the Callan rd, and Panda in the Hebron Industrial Estate in Kilkenny City also accept WEEE and batteries free of charge for recycling. Large electrical retailers may accept back WEEE, for more information on your options for WEEE disposal in Kilkenny, browse WEEE Irelands website for further information.
In this Section
Waste Management
The current Joint Waste Management Plan for the South East Region was made on 01-02 June 2006. The European Communities (Waste Directive) R ...
How to make an Environmental Complaint
This section outlines the procedure involved in making a environmental compliant.
Christmas Tree Recycling
Christmas Tree Recycling Centres 2025, open from Monday 6th to Monday 20th of January 2025