Unfinished Housing Estates
Unfinished Housing Developments
Kilkenny County Council is committed to seeking a resolution on any unfinished estates in its functional area. The Council will implement a range of powers available to it under planning, building control and other relevant legislation in an integrated way and will work pro-actively with developers, receivers, financial institutions and local communities in securing the satisfactory resolution of unfinished housing developments. The Council will assess and monitor unfinished developments and will play a key role in the co-ordination of Site Resolution Plans with other stakeholders. The Council will pro-actively seek any funding available to carry out remedial works.
If you have a query regarding an unfinished estate in County Kilkenny, you can e-mail or phone the Planning Department.
Email: planning@kilkennycoco.ie
Telephone: 056 7794010
More information available at: https://www.gov.ie/en/service/d34c2-unfinished-housing-developments/